LUNENBURG FIELD – Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

Lunenburg / Gus Vickers Memorial Field

Rental details:

Single Field
90 Victoria Rd. / Arena Parking Lot

Located in the heart of Lunenburg, this field is expansive on the right field side and the “short porch” to left field should be attractive to pull hitters — but beware the affects of wind blowing in off the water. Also, bring a sweater — you never know when the fog will roll in, especially later in the season.


Ample Parking

Outdoor Pool Nearby


Small Covered Dugouts

Playground Nearby

Spectator Bleachers

Lunenburg Field, known formally as the Gus Vickers Memorial Field, is part of the Town of Lunenburg’s Recreation Complex, locate near the outdoor pool, Lunenburg Memorial Arena, Skate Park, Curling Club, and gymnasium.

The field is a shared-use field and features a perimeter running track that loops the softball area. The right field side is extremely deep. Outfielders be warned, the turf can be lumpy in places.

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